Dogshit in a sentence as a noun

I do not know a lot of 40 year old developers who think of their lot as "dogshit".

The site as it is right now looks like dogshit to me, so this is pretty refreshing.

This makes it seem like "startups" are better than they are, because the ones with dogshit MBA culture crash and burn.

In VC-istan, you have much less time and losing 2 years to a dogshit startup is catastrophic.

For a serious project, it is a clusterfuck of dogshit proportions.

If you get fired after 3 months with no severance and no reference, you are ****** because no one wants to hire someone who got fired from a dogshit startup.

You're competing for scarce resources, whether they be "eyeballs" or investor attention, because if you aren't growing at 100% per year, you're "walking dead", which means yesterday's dogshit.

"a clusterfuck of dogshit proportions"I thought it might be a standard expression in some literary circles, but according to Google it turns out to be original poetry!

You might have this great idea but only 2 people are willing to work the occasional weekend on it; are you about to start an email chain calling them all dogshit coders?Linus doesn't have that problem.

Dogshit definitions


obscene words for unacceptable behavior; "I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk"; "what he said was mostly bull"

See also: bullshit bull horseshit shit crap