Docking in a sentence as a noun

FYI, right side docking is available in Chrome.

I have a docking station, so all my cables other than mouse and keyboard are behind my desk out of sight and mind.

Getting closer...I really think a smartphone docking into stations is the future.

Apple already sells a Thunderbolt docking station, with a very nice 27" display built in.

It's technically a berthing, not a docking as it mates under the power of the Candarm, not under its own steam.

This is a docking mechanism, which allows autonomous connections between two spacecraft.

But coastal sailing, docking, berthing, towing, and other complex navigation functions are pretty complex operations.

Specifically, this allows Fedora to provide better support for USB connected graphics devices exposed by many modern systems and laptop docking stations.

FTA it sounds like they intend a land-based captain to remote control the vessels, but I suppose a system where they navigate to an offshore location and are towed in or a docking captain in flown in to "park" the ship could work.

I wish they 'd stop it with the unity/kde plasma eyesore madness, and focused on basic things that ruin my experience such as printer support, multiple monitors / docking station, sleep and hibernate, not breaking my setup every time it updates etc; i 'm content with xfce.

Docking definitions


the act of securing an arriving vessel with ropes

See also: moorage dockage