Dizziness in a sentence as a noun

Any head movement will cause your inner ear fluids to do weird things, causing dizziness.

I even feel a slight pressure in my upper brain, just a little, no cramp, a slight dizziness.

I haven't directly noticed any effect, aside from perhaps a short period of mild dizziness one day.

And the other way around works as well btw: if you give animals less than the dosage needed to tranquillize them, you see similar effects like dizziness.

Using under half the amount of fresh air needed for comfort; increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the cabin; causing dizziness, and nausea, and allowing viruses to thrive.

From the wikipedia page about fog machines[1]: "Short term exposure to glycol fog can be associated with headaches, dizziness, drowsiness and tiredness.

We tend to hide what it's really like, this absolutely maddening feeling in our heads, the constant headaches, dizziness and mental and physical fatigue is not something you want to announce to the world.

Initial euphoria, followed by dizziness, headache and constipation.

Symptoms of isopropyl alcohol poisoning include flushing, headache, dizziness, CNS depression, nausea, vomiting, anesthesia, and coma.

There is a maximum usable RPM beyond which humans cannot function due to dizziness/disorientation, and a somewhat lower max beyond which excessive coriolis effects would make working in the habitat incredibly annoying; generally, you don't want to go about 2rpm, though you could push it by screening your astronauts for spin-adaptability.

It can also cause headaches, concentration problems, dizziness, anxiety, memory loss, depression, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rates, seizures, epilepsy, nausea, skin rashes, insomnia, ringing ears, high blood pressure, brain damage, autism, diabetes, fibromyalgia, infertility, birth defects, DNA damage, leukemia, cancer, etc.

Dizziness definitions


a reeling sensation; a feeling that you are about to fall

See also: giddiness lightheadedness vertigo