Divorce in a sentence as a noun

He isn't in a divorce, doesn't have kids, does he?

Did you earn $200,000 per year pre-divorce, and now you barely can find work for $50,000?

I had a lot to work on in the marriage, found more in the divorce, still finding more yet.

I think the biggest problem with RSS is that you divorce the content from the context.

Of course, no one gets married thinking they'll get divorce, so its pretty pointless advice.

I know that sounds weird, but its true because no good marriage has ever ended in divorce.

A recent divorce and changing jobs were probably the stressors.

But if a divorced father gets a lower salary, "the child's standard of living must not change".

As part of the divorce agreement Einstein made with Mileva, his Nobel Prize money was transferred to her and in trust for their two sons.

As I noted in the edit to my comment in another sub-thread, their divorce happened before "no-fault" divorce was created.

I'm a great father -- really -- but it isn't hard to look at my divorce and think it happened because I didn't make the money my wife expected of me.

Divorce in a sentence as a verb

Wevorce would probably have a much lower success rate with 104 randomly selected families going through divorce.

The divorce had been done with for several months and I was at a job where I can really have an impact and don't feel like I needed to look over my shoulder constantly.

""Long commutes cause obesity, neck pain, loneliness, divorce, stress, and insomnia.

Cancel the FiOS and 4G, divorce yourself from Twitter and email, but leave the option open of making a trip down to the library to take care of the things in your daily life that actually require the internet.

If divorce were genuinely a good thing, we'd expect post baby-boom generations with high divorce rates to be much happier and more satisfied with their relationships than their parents and grandparents; Instead, the opposite is true.

I've read hundreds of articles that mistake correlation with causation, but never one so brazen as to straight up interchange the words:"[Commuting] correlates with an increased risk of obesity, divorce, neck pain, stress, worry, and sleeplessness.

The real opportunity isn't in marriage-to-divorce, it's in divorce-to-marriage.

It starts you out as a single parent with no savings and evidently no family members who will help you out...without any acknowledgement of the fact that broken homes, divorce, out-of-wedlock births, a lack of a high school diploma, and a failure to save are the major causes of poverty.

> "It starts you out as a single parent with no savings and evidently no family members who will help you out...without any acknowledgement of the fact that broken homes, divorce, out-of-wedlock births, a lack of a high school diploma, and a failure to save are the major causes of poverty.

I personally know of at least two marriages that ended in divorce for reasons entirely unrelated to the quality of the relationship - one or both parties had a mid-life crisis, tried to reinvent themselves to assuage their existential angst, divorced, utterly alienated their partner in the process and ended up bitterly regretting it.

Proper Noun Examples for Divorce

Divorces are acrimonious because the overwhelming majority of divorcees have fundamental issues with their spouse that they can't even verbalize, let alone work out.

Divorce definitions


the legal dissolution of a marriage

See also: divorcement


part; cease or break association with; "She disassociated herself from the organization when she found out the identity of the president"

See also: disassociate dissociate disunite disjoint


get a divorce; formally terminate a marriage; "The couple divorced after only 6 months"