Distinctness in a sentence as a noun

Also, after ~10, the distinctness seems to drop off pretty quickly.

As someone else said, maybe partly chose for phonetic distinctness.

Your suggestion is a good one for one of the directions they could go in, because it increases the distinctness of the fields.

The article does talk at length about how to adjust for aesthetics, but at no point does it skimp on also ensuring distinctness.

Jellyfish is nothing like typical fish or land meats, so to enjoy it you need to cook/eat it with the distinctness of the texture as a major part of the experience.

But ironically, in reality, a human brain may have a much harder time understanding an interface when everything is flat and looks alike, than when elements have depth and distinctness to them.

They appear because they have noticeable distinctness, which makes them separate out from their surroundings and makes them cohere, and it is from the arrangements of these coherent parts that other coherent parts appear.

They defined with tolerable distinctness in what they did consider all men created equal — equal in "certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The other method just mentioned [direct auscultation] being rendered inadmissible by the age and sex of the patient, I happened to recollect a simple and well-known fact in acoustics, ... the great distinctness with which we hear the scratch of a pin at one end of a piece of wood on applying our ear to the other.

Yup, you can define distinctness of constructive real numbers as two algorithms returning rationals that will differ by more than the approximation error ε they were given as input, for some arbitrarily small ε - but equality involves proving that two algorithms will never be apart in this way - and this cannot be done in general.

So cities recently have been toying with vacancy taxes that target rich people using prime real estate speculatively or who wish to reserve a unit without anyone having lived there for cultural reasons - maybe that's the sort of tactic we need to examine with domains, some sort of creative usage bar that utilizes distinctness from other domains to detect squatting and levy a fee.

Distinctness definitions


the quality of being sharp and clear

See also: sharpness


the state of being several and distinct

See also: discreteness separateness severalty


the quality of being not alike; being distinct or different from that otherwise experienced or known

See also: otherness separateness