Distance in a sentence as a noun

So phishers buy domains with a levenshtein distance of 1 or two.

* Hire the candidate with the lowest computed distance.

"A Brit is someone who thinks 100 miles in a long distance, and an American is someone who thinks 100 years is a long time.

In effect, you become tainted and those around you will either attack you or will keep distance in order to play safe.

There might be tariffs on intercouples between states, but the main cost is actually the distance the energy has to travel.

These days, with largers monitors, I use a 24 inch, at an appropriate distance, I don't need any filtering than my own aging eyes.

The only gripe I have is that the campus is large enough that the Pi shops are a short distance away so you might not drop down there as often as you would like.

I would yell at an airman that would get up his chair, walk to the center map and with his rule, measure the distance in miles between the hospital landing pad and the strike.

Distance in a sentence as a verb

And any time anyone complains or argues against what you did, associate the critic with the death threats and demand that they distance themselves from them.

Google will have put one more level of distance between what the users type in the URL and even what they click in the browser and what is reflected in the address bar.

It's not the trolls I care about so much as more moderate people who may have seen the fight from a distance and come away with the idea that YC is somehow sexist.

Repeat again with the progeny of the previous pool, until one of the candidates passes a satisficing threshold 'distance' score.

Even with this rear-guard action in New Jersey, Teslas can be bought direct from the manufacturer just a short distance away or via remote ordering.

A lot of people are getting attached to the "every American" aspect of things, and I think its important to note the distance between "knowing how to code" and "becoming a programmer.

Skype stepped on the toes of incumbent ISPs' long-distance revenue streams, I wouldn't put it past AT&T to purposefully degrade the quality of Skype calls or even outright deny them from happening.

Distance definitions


the property created by the space between two objects or points


a distant region; "I could see it in the distance"


size of the gap between two places; "the distance from New York to Chicago"; "he determined the length of the shortest line segment joining the two points"

See also: length


indifference by personal withdrawal; "emotional distance"

See also: aloofness


the interval between two times; "the distance from birth to death"; "it all happened in the space of 10 minutes"

See also: space


a remote point in time; "if that happens it will be at some distance in the future"; "at a distance of ten years he had forgotten many of the details"


keep at a distance; "we have to distance ourselves from these events in order to continue living"


go far ahead of; "He outdistanced the other runners"

See also: outdistance outstrip