Disseminate in a sentence as a verb

"It's a simple matter of the type of information they disseminate.

They're a non-profit: their basic goal is not to "increase shareholder value" but to help disseminate science.

An eBook is an abstract thing you can't be sold out of, but integrity and desire to disseminate information freely are.

Just as the Khan Academy is making learning more accessible, I hope that it could also help discover and widely disseminate the best explanations for things.

My conclusion is that college lectures really aren't an efficient way to disseminate education, and they are even less so when they are recorded on video.

The content may have been a civil breach of contract for the originator to disseminate, but you commit no breach nor crime by looking at it, as you have no non-disclosure agreement with Apple.

I don't mean create a site about yourself dancing...but create something of interest about something you care about...web devs have a huge advantage here in being able to disseminate their work in a cheap, creative medium.

The Internets capacity to disseminate information has been described by this Court as one of the great innovations of the information age whose use should be facilitated rather than discouraged.

" as he flipped on an AlienWare laptop and the scraper script?He masked his face, hid his laptop in the closet, because he wanted to actually get the data and disseminate it...the information itself was the greater good, it seems.

I respect what you've done to disseminate the information regarding the complete failure of government to clarify and enforce laws around finance but you may want to reconsider your tone because it's not going to help you to further that cause.

Customers remember comparative advertising better, digest it more effectively, and it helps disseminate cognitive information clearly.

Disseminate definitions


cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"