Dissection in a sentence as a noun

> "I responded with a 5 minute dissection of the question"I used to do this **** all the time.

I remember seeing a "frog dissection" thing on a website and everyone seemed to impressed with it.

I absolutely despise this sort of dissection of expressions of regret.

Not seeing the tonal disagreement in P1 - that looks like a fairly legit dissection of the assumptions in an argument to me. What phrasing made you feel it was tonal?

The problem I have with this "dissection" is it starts with a concept that Apple has a perfect ad and everything that isn't like it is a flaw.

Came expecting a detailed interesting dissection of the recent Flame virus, left even happier.

Because most matrix operations can be done much faster on the adjacency matrix of a planar graph due to nested dissection.

Weighing in at ~245Kg with a length of 12m the dissection concentrated on finding things out like the length, contents of the stomach, sex & also looking for sperm capsules injected by male squid at speed.

And I responded with a 5 minute dissection of the question to better understand what the question was asking, because the answer could vary depending on the question's true meaning and intent.

Actually, I highly recommend John Siracusa's point-by-point dissection of the biography at 5by5, the show is called Hypercritical and listen to episodes 42 and 43.

A lot of professors teaching dissection have noted your feelings, girls in general don't have a squeamishness to overcome in ********** dissection since they don't have that externality of organs.

But understand that doing this sort of dissection gives you to knowledge of how to disrupt and that means the person sharing it with you, if they aren't already committed to joining the revolution, is writing their own death sentence.

For an excellent dissection of this recent round of "secrets technology of the ancients that our modern science only now is beginning to understand" check out this reddit thread, it has quite a few engineering students and professionals chiming in and I learned quite a bit from it.

Dissection definitions


cutting so as to separate into pieces


a minute and critical analysis


detailed critical analysis or examination one part at a time (as of a literary work)