Dislocate in a sentence as a verb

She has EDS so her knees, ankles and hips can without warning dislocate when walking.

A person in a normal state of mind won't break their arms or dislocate their shoulders when they're put in handcuffs.

It's also very difficult to, from "ground level" dislocate the neck thus.

Doesn't that also dislocate small low-cost hobbyist software?

My current partner isn't but still gets grossed out when my joints dislocate, though they know it's bad and try to help me when that happens.

At current rates of phone growth, I will someday dislocate my hip by sitting down too quickly with my phone in my front pocket.

Simply because it'll cause you to "chew your tongue into ribbons" and "muscles start contracting so hard they can dislocate bones"?*****.

Strength makes it less likely to dislocate joints and also makes it moderately likelier that you will be able to pull yourself out of a wreck.

The more we dislocate our physical presence from our environment, the less our environment will require us over anyone else.

They saw a great coronavirus response followed immediately by a stellar response to a 100-year flood event, the kind that used to dislocate millions of people.

Dislocate definitions


move out of position; "dislocate joints"; "the artificial hip joint luxated and had to be put back surgically"

See also: luxate splay slip


put out of its usual place, position, or relationship; "The colonists displaced the natives"