Disintegration in a sentence as a noun

The cause is the disintegration of the black nuclear family.

Side issue, but this bit in the article is not quite right:There are technical terms for this kind of disintegration.

A few people die in the storm itself, but then hundreds or thousands die in the human-made chaos and disintegration afterward.

One would expect them to mainly be smoke and dust from the disintegration/combustion/ablation during the descent.

Dbrowski saw these disintegrations as a key element in the overall developmental process.

Personally, I will watch the disintegration of these naive "meritocratic" policies with great interest in the coming years.

But the white Sugru has worked perfectly for more than a year now, without any disintegration, loss of flexibility, discoloration, or additional fraying.

... For example, the Space Shuttle flight computers initially used core memory, which preserved the contents of memory even through the Challenger's disintegration and subsequent plunge into the sea in 1986.

Actually, from what I understood from listing to a TTC lecture series about this, the "decline and fall" of the roman empire is somewhat of a fiction, in that it wasn't a brutal event, more of a long slow disintegration over the span of a thousand years.

And it would imply it happened without bloodshed and because people chose it as a simply superior option, which if the negative scaremongering aspects of the disintegration of the state actually started to manifest, would not happen by definition.

Official encouragement of policies contributing to the socio-economic disintegration of the family.

Disintegration definitions


in a decomposed state

See also: decomposition


a loss (or serious disruption) of organization in some system; "a disintegration of personality"


separation into component parts

See also: dissolution


the spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance along with the emission of ionizing radiation

See also: decay


total destruction; "bomb tests resulted in the annihilation of the atoll"

See also: annihilation