Disgruntle in a sentence as a verb

They're are all kind of pissed off and disgruntled right now.

They're there to fill out W-2 forms and keep you from getting sued by disgruntled employees.

My threat model is not disgruntle employees searching through my emails, or govt.

It reads like some disgruntled AdSense publishers theory as to why they were banned.

As if someone hopes it will sound like he's a disgruntled former employee that was fired.

It looks bad on Apple they haven't thought this through and are a disgruntle owner away from a major incident.

I mean really, who's the bigger threat here, Al Qaeda or Pvt. Garcia?But it only takes one disgruntled soldier to prove otherwise.

But of course, if 10 people chant outside of a building, they aren't just disgruntle losers, they are unhappy because they aren't given then.

CEOs of multi-billion dollar publicly traded companies do not routinely reach out to disgruntled customers, no matter how public the PR disasters.

I think it isn't uncommon that students treat lectures as very inconvenient 3D video explanations, and many professors are so bored and detached that to veer slightly off course is to disgruntle them significantly.

Activism-driven policy is generally not a great governance model - you might satisfy the 250 employees who signed the letter, but disgruntle 5000 silent others who strongly believe it's not Facebook's job to fact-check political ads.

It is a great article, but why on earth someone will use a service like Quantopian or similar service?They are your competitor and who will prevent a disgruntle employee or a hacker to steel your successful trading strategy?Just buy some data from eBay, you can get 20 years of historical stock market data for less than $100 and you can test any trading strategy or idea imaginable, including trend following, buy and hold ETFs, etc...The barrier of entry is pretty low and you can develop a great lifestyle business with no customers, employees and investors around that...

Disgruntle definitions


put into a bad mood or into bad humour; "The employees were disgruntled by their bad working conditions"