Disconnect in a sentence as a noun

What happens in 5 years time when EA cut back or disconnect their servers? Won't the game be completely unplayable?

They had a bunch of problems with it, so one day I got fed up after the millionth disconnect and cracked it open. Got a serial root shell by using the "magic !"

So I would say, Try to disconnect the idea of cinema with the idea of making a living and money. Because there are ways around it."

If ever I've been looking for a new contract I put a disposable number on my CV. When I get a contract, i disconnect and they cannot call again

The disconnect with fact and reality is just truly astounding. That's why the first line of defense should be to open a dialogue with Hollywood.

It happened to me because I had a hidden window on the background thread to get WM events for USB disconnect and reconnect messages from the system. The bug report was funny."

Can we stop the stupid patdowns of innocent travelers and disconnect the porno scanners at the airports now? I have to travel tomorrow and I'd rather not go through that **** again.

Reading the story, and the comments, there seems to be a disconnect between why the kids were delighted - it is not that they are delighted about Linux or XMonad. Or that they are learning valuable life skills.

Disconnect in a sentence as a verb

I think there is a serious disconnect between the state of the art in computer vision and what's used in industry. The demo was cool, but the techniques are not that revolutionary.

Could this really not be prevented by a $10 microcontroller and a big-*** relay to just disconnect the battery if it reaches a certain discharge state? Even my iPhone can turn turtle to protect its battery when it gets too low.

In return, he wanted some help around the house and to ensure emotional disconnect from the relationship that was already dead by this point. I expect couples today would form similar arrangements in the same situation.

This is a perfect example of the disconnect between "hackers" and the real world. I consider myself part of the HN community because I hope for a society shaped by its ideals, but the real world is so far removed that time spent here becomes more of a therapeutic escape than anything else.

However, standing atop a pillar of arrogance as tall as "everybody who matters is here" just screams a complete disconnect with how our industry actually works. In the grand scheme of information technology, startups are tiny little mosquitoes that are, with few exceptions, swatted to death quickly and quietly.

I completely agree with your conclusion that almost everyone would like to hire Bricklayer B, but I think the disconnect in most work situations comes in rewarding the value provided by that person. If for example both workers would charge 5000 dollars to build the wall, people would be much more skeptical of paying Bricklayer B, because after all, it was only two hours of work.

There is a huge disconnect between the attitude of "any price that people will pay is a fair price" and the fact that economic systems require that parties engage in transactions in good faith. To me, it seems blatantly obvious that Amazon is engaging in the bad-faith practice of trying to conceal the true costs of their service by loading a lot of the price into a "delivery charge" that is absurd.

As a matter of fact, telling this to someone whose depression has a large social disconnect component to it may trigger further feelings of inadequacy via the mental model of "I'm the only one who seems to be incapable of doing what is obviously so easy to this person, and everybody else."

Disconnect definitions


an unbridgeable disparity (as from a failure of understanding); "he felt a gulf between himself and his former friends"; "there is a vast disconnect between public opinion and federal policy"

See also: gulf disconnection


pull the plug of (electrical appliances) and render inoperable; "unplug the hair dryer after using it"

See also: unplug


make disconnected, disjoin or unfasten