Disappearance in a sentence as a noun

My take on his disappearance is that he just wanted to bow out of the limelight.

The date suggests that this sudden disappearance of one trillion dollars caused the stock market crash.

Last I heard - shortly after his disappearance - he was alive and employed.

And Satoshi Nakamoto's sudden appearance and then disappearance now makes total sense.

I considered him pretentious and was jealous of his achievements and persona... but grew a much softer side after his disappearance.

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance.

I have taken action have established that the disappearance of the data was the result of the introduction of virtual server settings, which he never would have introduced.

Why's disappearance seemed to happen just as nokogiri, a technically superior parser, became prominent, though why's motives will never be known for sure.

However, I think this hypothesis is not well-founded:> I suspect the main reason for the disappearance of the craftsman criminal is simply that there are fewer and fewer people with the practical skills and confidence to even try to break into a safe.

In the original Guardian article, Snowden says that the FBI was at his house asking questions before the release, but only because they were concerned about his disappearance.> When Booz Allen checked in with him, Snowden said he was suffering from epilepsy and needed more time off.

This doesn't explain the zigzagging trajectory of the plane after its disappearance:Indeed, soon after MH370 disappeared, reports emerged that recordings of Malaysian military radar returns showed an unidentified track that could correspond to the flight turning left onto a westward course and descending.

Disappearance definitions


the act of leaving secretly or without explanation

See also: disappearing


the event of passing out of sight


gradually ceasing to be visible

See also: fade


ceasing to exist; "he regretted the disappearance of Greek from school curricula"; "what was responsible for the disappearance of the rainforest?"; "the disappearance of resistance at very low temperatures"