Diffract in a sentence as a verb

You don't need to diffract the neutron flux.

Matte screens diffract light and render the screen unreadable.

But instead, you're using a prism to diffract each frequency.

The smaller the aperture, the more diffracted incoming light rays.

When two objects are too close together, light reflecting off them will diffract, and the two objects blur together.

You can't cross light beams at 7nm, if you had a "crossroads" structure" it would simply diffract round the corner and exit at all three other points.

Because it doesn't mean anything; it's a slippery term, meant to diffract understanding rather than focus it.

OP explicitly said:“Even a horn has diffraction sidebands, and unless they're all at least 8dB down in all situations that's bad.

This effect, called the diffraction limit, sets in when the distance between two objects is equal to half the wavelength of the light used for imaging.

For example if you send a wave through a small hole so you know it's position accurately on two axes then that causes it to diffract out so you don't know it's direction/velocity along those axes.

While 'holography' is indeed often misused, this is one of the rare cases in which it is not. I have been to lectures by some of the people involved in these companies and this technology in which they've explained that the projector contains a spatial light modulator that is used to diffract the light from three lasers, one for each RGB channel.

And Couder and Fort's droplets on a vibrating oil bath show an experimental realization of particles which nevertheless diffract in a classically explicable way, underscoring this point.

Frequencies below 3MHz will diffract around obstacles and follow the curvature of earth; unfortunately an efficient antenna at these wavelengths is enormously long, so a small system would have absolutely vast antenna losses.

So the wavefunction is now: |left, measured-left, brain-saw-apparatus-say-photon-went-left, ...> + |right,...> The photon is now thoroughly entanged with the state of our brain and the entire laboratory, so when the photon diffracts after the slit the two states |left,...> and |right,...> no longer overlap and can't interfere.

Diffract definitions


undergo diffraction; "laser light diffracts electrons"