Difficulty in a sentence as a noun

In theory difficulty and hash rate should follow the bitcoin price, but they don't.

Some time ago I came across an elderly man in some difficulty lying in the street in London.

We aren't here just because the difficulty of typing "/[A-Z]+?/" grants us job security.

I get bored when I'm not engaged, and I have difficulty engaging with people because anxiety and stress make me shut down.

Regular doctors can't help you, even specialists have difficulty finding the little holes in your eye.

Computers run cryptographic hashes to find the 'winning' has which is less than the current difficulty target number.

I have no difficulty doing this with third graders, but this particular class was all elementary school teachers.

You can see from the disconnect between hashrate, difficulty and price that a large part of Bitcoin price and market movement is speculation and emotion driven.

You'd think that as price decreases difficulty re-adjusts as miners pull out but difficulty and hash rate continue to increase and are completely disconnected from the price.

So that you can get a better reading of what I can really do, would you mind if we used my laptop, with you looking over my shoulder, as I solved a problem of similar difficulty?

Of course, they could be written using traditional techniques but the complexity and difficulty involved can make them almost impossible.

You decide to invest at todays difficulty and bitcoin rate but outside of cloud-based mining you don't actually get started mining after placing your order for at least a month, often 5-6 months.

People can't predict the future, and they obviously have difficulty predicting what tools will become useful and simple, and which will become crufty tarpits of painful dependencies and incidental complexity.

" I personally believe that for the general range of cases the pull toward a conventional convertible note will be very strong, and founders will have real difficulty convincing investors why they should forego the benefits of a convertible note in favor of a convertible security where the only advantages to the latter lie strictly with the company.

Difficulty definitions


an effort that is inconvenient; "I went to a lot of trouble"; "he won without any trouble"; "had difficulty walking"; "finished the test only with great difficulty"

See also: trouble


a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result; "serious difficulties were encountered in obtaining a pure reagent"


a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome; "grappling with financial difficulties"


the quality of being difficult; "they agreed about the difficulty of the climb"

See also: difficultness