Dictionary in a sentence as a noun

" Failure is not an option... it's not even a word in the dictionary.

Why couldn't they call it a hash map, hash table, map, table, dictionary etc like all the other languages...?

"* The black coworker is given a dictionary and told "I got this for you cause I know you speak ebonics.

From a probabilistic perspective, these are still dictionary words, even though they look like gibberish.

For a long time the New York Times had a javascript thing that would pop up a dictionary reference for anything you double clicked on. As someone who compulsively doubleclicks to highlight and unhighlight, it bugged the **** out of me.

Your blog post says:> "Avoid using simple passwords based on dictionary words"And yet your password algorithm rejects highly secure pass phrases:> "New passwords can contain letters, numbers and punctuation.

Yet again I am reminded that my google is not necessarily the same as 'your' googleJust like how "define: something" doesn't show a dictionary definiton for me anymore, a functionality i used all the time.

And if the answer if "oh you know print is not a statement anymore, and many dictionary and sequence methods are not iterators not returning values, and this new Twisted-like async library...' Well you can imagine many a manager might just say "well that is just not enough".If in turn the dev team came back said "Oh yeah they integrated PyPy, STM module, requests module.

In fact I think this would be more informative as a description of rainbow tables, so here goes:Okay, so Bob in principle can write down a lookup table, but there's a problem -- that lookup table is going to be as long as the dictionary!

Dictionary definitions


a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them

See also: lexicon