Diametral in a sentence as an adjective

Which can be diametral to what the end users actually need. You need shiny demo features which do not ruin your product in live use.

While that's a good idea it will never happen, since it's diametral to the interest of the app stores, which is to make as much money as possible. Of course, if the abuse gets too bad there will be regulatory backlash.

That's extremely diametral for resources management and crew communication in a cockpit. The first officer may tend to say nothing, even if he believes the plane should pull up in order not to offend the senior person.

My experience is diametraly different. Legal sources like netflix, TV or some DVD's are usualy low quality, cenzored and cropped versions, terribly dubbed with no original audio or subtitles.

> ux Well, at least these guys have been diametral to Evernote's effectivity for me. I used to use the app daily as a paying customer - after the "everything needs to be white or a very light shade of grey" update, I hardly do anymore - it's just too exhausting and confusing to operate.

This claims that creativity and education are diametral opposites. This essentially replicates the myth of the natural artist who can only achieve true creativity within nature and by forgetting culture.

That was obviously an extension of your statement; enabling any car manufacturer to sell directly to customers would be a diametral opposite to what dealership laws intended in the first place, and my comment was supposed to inform you that there is indeed a little sparkle of sense and justification in dealership laws. But you obviously lack any insight into the topic at hand and are just feeding off your "more exceptions!

Diametral definitions


related to or along a diameter; "the diametral plane"

See also: diametric diametrical