Devote in a sentence as a verb

You could almost devote a website to it.

And I would suspect that most people really do not want to devote such an effort to this task.

Sure, it would be amazing to have an entire day, every day to devote to your project.

You devote time and energy to a technology only to have it fail when you need it most.

You don't have to out-BS the BSers, but you have to consciously devote time to getting noticed and staying noticed.

None of that has lasting value and none of it touches the heart of why a student would want to devote themselves to things like literature, philosophy, or art history.

Someone that can be completely obsessive about \n something does have an advantage, but the same questions about focus \n apply for any amount of time you choose to devote to an \n undertaking.

Whatever the flaws associated with individual people or companies in such an industry, there is nothing whatever wrong with those who devoted their money and their efforts to making all this possible.

For a $10 video editor that, quite frankly, beats the pants off a lot of **** out there for day to day editing tasks, I can't afford to devote the time and resources it requires to maintain it without it having a baseline level of income.

When HomeSite was integrated into Dreamweaver and development ceased, I realized that I had wasted my time developing HomeSite packages and that I should never again devote my time to extending closed-source software.

But to accuse Amazon of not being ready, willing, and able to devote even vast resources to the potential use of drones as part of its broader strategy - and instead to be using this as a mere publicity stunt - is, in my view, to miss the obvious.

The project would have provided very powerfully tangible, very high-profile benefits to the customer, but said benefits weren't part of the metrics on which our department was getting judged, so at the VP level the willingness to devote resources was almost non-existent.

What residual value would stick from such fleeing interactions with the rudiments of coding?It seems to me that, if one is to derive true value from learning to code, one needs to devote a significant level of dedicated hard work toward that effort and, if one fails to get beyond a minimal threshold, the only value gained is that of a very generalized form of knowledge that has little practical use in the real world.

Devote definitions


give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; "She committed herself to the work of God"; "give one's talents to a good cause"; "consecrate your life to the church"

See also: give dedicate consecrate commit


dedicate; "give thought to"; "give priority to"; "pay attention to"

See also: give


set aside or apart for a specific purpose or use; "this land was devoted to mining"