Deviant in a sentence as a noun

If you do or support any "deviant uses of the internet", they have the right to take your domain away.

Our society is deviant if not sick in the way that we push old people to the side and avoid them instead of honoring them.

You have to uphold their ethical code and affirmatively fight "deviant uses of the internet" to register domains through them.

That code involves, among other things, fighting "deviant uses of the internet" and "protecting public order and good moral standards".

If ours is significantly deviant from a significant clustering that would be pretty interesting.

" It will be an elite deviant, supported by a network of elite deviants and powerful ideological sympathizers.

"In the interview, Card says "I find the comparison between civil rights based on race and supposed new rights being granted for what amounts to deviant behavior to be really kind of ridiculous.

It's why communities rally around protesting against sex offender treatment centres or cheer about prison rape like more sexual abuse somehow won't make offenders more deviant.

Deviant in a sentence as an adjective

We define mentally unhealthy as sufficiently deviant behavior and use that as a rationale for restricting that behavior.

Social ousting, sex offenders list, incarceration, the eroding of free speech in the name of reducing just the chances of sexually "deviant" activity?People back then did what they did because they thought it right.

People are more likely to develop habits concordant with deviant and unlawful lifestyles, to make connections with criminal networks, and to learn new criminal skills in prison than to learn how to function properly in the peaceful world outside.

Social ousting, sex offenders list, incarceration, the eroding of free speech in the name of reducing just the chances of sexually "deviant" activity?They will be equally as disgusted at this nonsense as we are right now at the heinous things perpetrated in the 50s.

I appreciate the cheekiness of calling it the "Dark Mail Alliance", but from a purely PR perspective, it would make sense to reconsider your name if you are taking the position that encrypted end-to-end email is not solely an interest of those pursuing shady or deviant activities.

Gandi reserves the right to shut down your services without notice if, among many other reasons, they in their sole discretion deem you are doing anything deviant, you're not respecting someone's honor, or if the content isn't appropriate to each person's sensibility... where "each person" can be any of the millions of users you have using your services.

That's okay by Manfred it only contains a statistically normal mixture of second hand clothes and toiletries, and he only carries it to convince the airline passenger-profiling expert systems that he isn't some sort of deviant or terrorist"At what point is it going to be statistically abnormal to not be sharing the minutiae of your life in this way, and what are the consequences to anyone who wants to retain some level of privacy?

Deviant definitions


a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior

See also: pervert deviate degenerate


markedly different from an accepted norm; "aberrant behavior"; "deviant ideas"

See also: aberrant deviate