Devastate in a sentence as a verb

Such bugs would devastate the value of those chips.

I've seen similar things in Kenya: "high maize prices devastate small farmers.

Taking down the top couple of exchanges could devastate the Bitcoin economy.

Many of the same arguments used here could be used with equal logic toward every large civilian IT concern, which would tend to devastate the need for things like YC capital. :P

I also remember bar and restaurant owners saying it would devastate their industry and so on. Still waiting for that particular section of the sky to fall.

Don't you need huge central banks to provide cheap loans to devastate large portions of countryside with yet another suburban sprawl?I'm not saying it's the case.

I mean, nobody is talking about how to make sure that we're better prepared for the tsuanmis that **** thousands of people and utterly devastate so much land.

To continue supporting even our current population will force us to devastate our planet to the point that we won't recognize it in 50-100 years.

Though, to be fair, a good chunk of those dynasties lasted a few hundred years. :PSo clearly we should have dynasties and a couple wars of succession to devastate the nation every 50-100 years. Something about the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Spot on, California employment laws and Federal laws in the US will absolutely devastate your business if you try your hand at pulling this kind of ****.

It'd be extraordinarily painful, but it wouldn't devastate the currency in perpetuity.

Not only can they devastate individual lives and legitimate businesses, they also undermine our nations financial stability, can jeopardize the health of our citizens, and even threaten our national security."Really?

We are already taxing the Earth far beyond its carrying capacityAnd your evidence for this is?To continue supporting even our current population will force us to devastate our planetAnd your evidence for this is?What about raising the standard of living of all those who are already on the planetAs the article clearly states, the obstacles to doing this are social and political, not environmental or technological.

Devastate definitions


cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly; "The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion"

See also: waste desolate ravage scourge


overwhelm or overpower; "He was devastated by his grief when his son died"