Detractor in a sentence as a noun

You should already be your own biggest detractor, all day, erry day.

Since you're probably on the internet at all times, what exactly is the detractor here?

Now I'm sure that personality plays a part here, but it's clear that distance really isn't `that` much of a detractor.

Ums are a detractor but not as much a one as poor product knowledge or mechanical storytelling.

Bob Harper is a pillar of PL research, I think the credentials of his detractor deserve just a tiny bit more scrutiny.

I can't speak for any other 'systemd detractor', but I can definitely confess that I've completely ignored what's going on on the desktop.

I used to be a detractor early in Play2 because of some large-scale-unfriendly decisions, but they've pretty much all been fixed.

Perhaps offering high salaries is a start, but the pace of the projects relative to other companies will always be a detractor.

The tyranny of the majority is a major detractor of democracy.

However, by avoiding a legal battle, and getting a 'clean bill of health' for VP8 from their main detractor, Google's VP8 is now ready for much wider adoption.

So my first instinct when I saw this was to immediatly classify this guy as a tesla detractor just trying to get some publicity by bashing the EV.

Rather than be a hater, why not be an adversary, an opponent, a critic, a skeptic, a detractor, a gadfly, an enemy, or an antagonist?

But then you have your binary-detractor-wizard-hackers and the whole conversation becomes an infinite loop.

Detractor definitions


one who disparages or belittles the worth of something

See also: disparager depreciator knocker