Designer in a sentence as a noun

It's for developers without a designer to make their site look half-decent in half an hour.

If your product is core to helping people make money, pirate movies, or sell your useless couch, you dont need a designer.

Caylus was wildly popular for a year or two, but it's rare to see people play it now. Ironically, the game designer was too good at removing the element of luck for the game to be popular.

Obviously every software designer strives for "power made easy" -- it seems easy at first, but there is power under the hood when you need it.

"Error establishing a database connection"Don't program like a designer?

The same designer[1] was previously at {one of the other three very large gaming console manufacturers} and knows a thing or two about controllers.

Although Google's Android apps are well-designed, they don't look like a team of visual designers hand-crafted each and every corner like Apple's apps and UIKit widgets seem to be.

Swap the colors in the rainbow?Lastly, this designer isn't even addressing the biggest problem we have today, which is how to modify Wikipedia for the mobile web.

* The API designer needed to retain backwards compatibility so it had to resort to putting 3rd party app specific code in the API implementation.

There was a designer from Expo, a primary contractor and subcontractors for tiling, painting, etc. a project workbook containing all the documents, including the design, and a logbook for every contractor to record their visit.

The designer here may very well be in the right, but I don't feel qualified to judge or do anything about it based on the available information, any more than I do with the hundreds of other designer-client disputes that happen on a regular basis.

I wouldn't want to live in a world were the Grateful Dead couldn't do any *****, teenagers could never drink a beer, nobody could express himself with a graffiti in a drab wall, no child that wants to be a graphic designer could ever pirate Photoshop, being a few months less or more than the legal age to date sends you off as a molester, playing a different region DVD lands you to jail, and a million other things...

Designer definitions


a person who specializes in designing architectural interiors and their furnishings

See also: decorator


someone who creates plans to be used in making something (such as buildings)

See also: architect


someone who specializes in graphic design


a person who devises plots or intrigues; "he is believed to be the principal designer of the terrorist bombing attack"

See also: intriguer


someone who designs clothing

See also: couturier