Deprecation in a sentence as a noun

It's why self deprecation is so common in writing and comedy.

A lot of people struggle with self-deprecation and/or depression.

This was the infamous "7/20" all-hands in which the deprecation of 20%-time was announced.

A borderline unhealthy sense of self deprecation and just 'doing it' because you can - qualities I wish more tech people had.

Hey folks - App Engine actually has an explicit deprecation policy spelled out to make sure this can't happen.

What major software company announces a deprecation with 6 months of support.

And unfortunately some of the commenting public here can't see through your self deprecation, and just add insults thinking they're smarter.

The original post mentions a 3-year deprecation period.

I've found a good conversational tone that incorporates just a touch of humor and self-deprecation without being too casual.

This doesn't address any of the real concerns with usable documentation or proper API deprecation.

For me at least, this deprecation pushes Google one notch closer to "boring megacorp" and one notch further away from the sort of cool "research garden" that Google is famous for being.

That is the right way to do it; with PHP you would have to read the doc page, then also go read any deprecation warnings or caveats for the possible version you are using.

However, Apple's forced hardware deprecation, and removal of physical media, have made it almost literally impossible to restore a working copy of OSX on their own hardware.

Deprecation definitions


a prayer to avert or remove some evil or disaster


the act of expressing disapproval (especially of yourself)

See also: denigration