Depleted in a sentence as an adjective

Or, the rich veins they mined were not yet depleted.

The Army fires depleted uranium into the earth, you think they care about a bit of lead?

If this is the case, it is your responsibility to ensure that the battery does not become fully depleted." [...

I could neither move nor attack, all I could do is watch that first monster attack me and wait while it completely depleted my health, at which point I did not die but just continued to stand there. Tested on FF 18.

You had a bad job, and now you're depleted, and you probably think your situation is a lot worse than it actually is. No. This is not unusual, and I think 90% of the people reading this thought, "man, that could have been me at one time".

The rulebook specifically forbids the teams from using depleted uranium for ballast. I think most of the teams use tungsten, it's more dense than lead.

Org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons - except in this case it's developer resources that are "common" and will be depleted as there wouldn't be money to pay for them. I think at this point everyone understands that there's piracy out there and it's not going away.

† BTW: my favorite dev interview question †† There is a better way to write this paragraph but I'm pretty depleted right now so please excuse the clunky, combatitive tone.

It's then pretty logical that the narcissistic part of the pair gets all the fame, spotlight, power, and the co-dependent part gets used, squeezed, depleted and thrown away once not useful.

This seriously depleted the number of horses in America. When the American Expeditionary Force entered the war, it took with it an additional 182,000 horses.

On the whole we're burning through the easy stuff at a staggering rate, and when these are depleted, the only thing left will be the types that are far more expensive to extract. There might be a time when the stubborn tar sands are actually the cheapest, and the only other types of oil are even more colossally expensive.

After a period of time, the cells are entirely depleted and the structure of the Tesla battery means they can't be recharged and require replacing entirely. It's been acknowledged that it's a fundamental flaw in the Tesla powerpack that has not yet been resolved.

That's why it lasted so long - modern battery chemistries have much lower internal resistance, and self-discharge would mean it being completely depleted in much less time. The battery in this bell has such high internal resistance that the self-discharge is many orders of magnitude less.

If it still has building materials, and another request for building reaches the vehicle it will travel to that building and create a house there until its construction resource is depleted. A built house will be empty, and it will send a notifier agent again to the highway, from there a new tenant agent will be sent to the building.

There is phosphoric acid and a surprising amount of sodium, which both make you salivate, so that you briefly feel that you're refreshed -- and then your saliva is depleted so that your mouth goes dry. The other ingredients -- sugar, flavorings, and caffeine -- are essentially the same mixture which makes coffee so popular.

Simple economics tell us that as population grows and natural resources are depleted, real physical goods and services will become scarce and costly especially compared to virtual ones which seem to be created with a shrinking amount of matter and energy. The implication of this are interesting for the evolution of humanity.

Let me tell you what it has gotten me: friends and family that never call unless they need something; an utterly depleted bank account; a complete lack of respect or even human regard from my peers; a pile of strife and struggle and pain and misery and not one single positive thing to show for it other than impotently small differences in the lives of sycophants. No, do not live for others.

This backfires with our modern caloric and sugar rich, but nutritionally depleted, foods that are available at little expenditure of energy [de Vany, 2010], in the form of chronic diseases, an on-going so-called epidemic of obesity and many other modern so-called developed country diseases [Campbell and Campbell, 2006]. For the determination of the amount of needed water, a rule of thumb is to keep urine transparent.

Not all of these are problematic for all people, but to the extent some are problematic for a given person, they tend to form a vicious cycle - people do bad things to themselves from lack of awareness or temporarily depleted willpower, and those behaviors in turn cause even less self-awareness and reduce the willpower reserves further. For that reason I am contemplating some sort of a software-based aid that helps one person to periodically check on the other person's daily routine from a distance to make sure they haven't fallen into this sort of a "depression trap".

Depleted definitions


no longer sufficient; "supplies are low"; "our funds are depleted"