Denude in a sentence as a verb

If we merely denude the device of the Finder but all the apps use the filesystem, I'm on the fence.

Fires that were survivable by trees are now so destructive that they denude hills and wipe out the entire ecosystem.

Any efforts by locals to denude themselves of the said "leadership" is not looked upon kindly by the "interantional community".> the oil handoutThat's cute!

The british captured the Indian market through money and cunning and proceded to systematically weaken then denude native industry then force export their own goods under the pretext of governance.

[1] It's worth noting that the domesticated animal least picky about what plants they'll eat is the goat, many varieties of which, when not moved frequently enough, can completely denude an area by eating plants and bushes down to the ground, climb trees to eat all the leaves they can reach and even stripping the bark, which kills the tree.

Denude definitions


lay bare; "denude a forest"

See also: bare denudate strip