Denouement in a sentence as a noun

The denouement is You didn’t read anything, did you?

It's building up to a tricky denouement, but if you're not also enjoying the journey, I'd say it's not for you.

For all HN likes to spin acquisitions as victories, 95% of the time they are the final denouement of a defeated startup.

The denouement turned out to be that their curated dating did not scale, so they pivoted to being a lifestyle business.

I can see it now: "I enjoyed reading this Neal Stephenson Kickstarter, but it didn't have a conventional denouement, and had lots of loose ends.

For anyone else who was curious about the drone photographing an environmental violation, here's the denouement and the company's side of the story.

All stories follow a predictable arc: exposition, conflict, climax, conclusion, and denouement [1].

My reaction to the first half of this article, even before getting to the denouement, was that the Shuttle "gag" was totally inappropriate but the Mercury one was hilarious.

Sometimes the punch line needs changing, or other jokes become possible -- because the sentence ending gives a different denouement--Biblical Greek tends to use word order for emphasis, but still with an overall sentence structure very similar to English.

Denouement definitions


the outcome of a complex sequence of events


the final resolution of the main complication of a literary or dramatic work