Delude in a sentence as a verb

But I don't delude myself into thinking I am curing cancer, and I don't think I ever could.

But I never delude myself that I actually "own" any of the DRM-restricted content that I paid for.

I count myself among them, but I don't delude myself into thinking that the majority feels the same way.

There were always women willing to sleep with him. But they were there for the money and he couldn't delude himself into thinking otherwise.

But don't delude yourself in thinking that the wind won't turn if bad times hit. Believing anything else is setting yourself up for major letdown when it happens.

Or they delude themselves in to thinking they're "changing the world" with some monumental cow-tipping app.

Don't make my mistake; don't delude yourself by having the hubris to think you alone can reason your way around an irrational gambler's market.

PHP programmers cannot afford to delude themselves thusly because everyone can be productive in PHP...

Same problem as the language type reification, don't delude yourself into thinking you've solved the world's problems with your subset of solutions.

In a perfect world wed both already have this perspective, but its amazing how easy it is to delude yourself into thinking that going to the office = work.

You can pick something while still being fully aware that you just picked it "because you had to", rather than delude yourself into thinking you picked it because it was the absolute best.

Politicians decide that they're competent enough to make legislation about technology, so we have to start discussing politics, and delude ourselves that all of us are competent enough to do so.

I think that it actually has tended to clarify thinking about security so that fewer and fewer engineers are able to delude themselves into trusting something that they know deep down is really untrustworthy.

For example, people who made $50k/yr and bought a $1M house would delude themselves into buying the house by saying "Well, I can take the teaser rate for 2 years, and by then the price should go up by $100k, and then I can sell, and use that money for a downpayment on a house I can afford.

From what I've observed and from the private conversations I've had with people who've had first-hand dealings with them, many of the current batch of hot Bitcoin startups are run by people who don't have a ******* clue but have managed to delude themselves that they can build the Next Big Thing in financial technology by faking it 'til they make it.

Proper Noun Examples for Delude

Make it harder for the Deluded to delude themselves.

Delude definitions


be false to; be dishonest with

See also: deceive cozen