Dehydrated in a sentence as an adjective

A toilet that tells you if are dehydrated and need to drink more, that'd be neat.

A dehydrated body isnt much of a help when you need your brain to focus and solve problems.

It could just as well have been food poisoning or heat stroke, or you might have been dehydrated prior to drinking that water.

4-pounds of dehydrated food will last you a week, and has the advantage that you get to eat something different for every meal.

I was tired, dehydrated, and fuzzy-brained, but still alert enough to be paying close attention to the traffic around me.

This is why Pedialyte, which contains both salt and glucose, is often given to dehydrated children and adults.

The longer you are asleep the more dehydrated you are, exacerbating grogginess.

Which one is it exactly?The article is talking about the dangers of drinking sea water when severely dehydrated if stranded on the coast or at sea.

Her liver was in the process of shutting down, she was so dehydrated and malnourished her veins had shrunk making it difficult for doctors to take blood or put in drips.

Without the low dynamic range of film, the dark corners of the Nostromo in Alien would have looked like a plywood movie set. Without lens flare and blown highlights then the plight of a dehydrated hero in the desert would be much harder to get across.

If you're working outside in severe heat and becoming dehydrated, you're allowed to -- and arguably required to -- drink water, Ramadan or no Ramadan.

Unless you're at high risk of a heart attack or totally dehydrated, negative health effects of high sodium are almost entirely negligible.

An evaluation indicated she was probably just dehydrated, so I had the still-annoyed stewardess bring her water, which revived her.

I had gotten so dehydrated that I passed out briefly and was physically unable to pick myself up out of an awkward position between the toilet and the wall next to the toilet.

Isn't anyone else surprised that an 82 year old man with Alzheimer's can wander around in the bush for three days and only be mildly dehydrated?He'd likely be dead if he'd gone missing in Australia.

Dehydrated definitions


suffering from excessive loss of water from the body; "fever resulted from becoming dehydrated"; "was dehydrated after the marathon"


preserved by removing natural moisture; "dried beef"; "dried fruit"; "dehydrated eggs"; "shredded and desiccated coconut meat"

See also: dried desiccated