Degeneracy in a sentence as a noun

Isn't that the whole point?Can anyone guide me as to when the pursuit of fairness is essential and when it is moral degeneracy?

As a result, these middle class residents are exposed to a level of violence and social degeneracy that is schocking.

Without purposeful work and meaningful social integration you inevitably get the sort of degeneracy we see spreading.

And by progress I mean vomit-inducing utter failure, inefficiency, and degeneracy.

It's every bit as true as saying, "White people played a role in the 1906 Atlanta riots" or "Mongols played a role in the sacking of Baghdad in 1258" or "Irish played a major role in the degeneracy of New York's five points in the 1850's".

It started with the "degeneracy thesis" in the 18th century, where it had been suggested by European intellectuals that the American climate led to physically inferior animals and humans.

The fusion reactions release heat, but because the white dwarf is already under electron degeneracy conditions it is unable to increase pressure and expand to moderate the fusion reactions, so instead they are caught in a very strong positive feedback loop.

There are a lot of dysfunctional poor subcultures, but also a lot of poor people who work a lot harder than middle and upper classes with little to show for it, limited opportunity to join the middle class, limited access to decent education and health care for their kidsWhen someone is trying to take away what you are accustomed to having, it's quite easy to persuade yourself of their moral degeneracy, whether they are 'dirty hippies', or 'fat cat banksters'.

Degeneracy definitions


the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualities

See also: degeneration decadence decadency


moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles; "the luxury and corruption among the upper classes"; "moral degeneracy followed intellectual degeneration"; "its brothels, its opium parlors, its depravity"; "Rome had fallen into moral putrefaction"

See also: corruption depravation depravity putrefaction