Decapitate in a sentence as a verb

Also, no big moving parts to decapitate people.

So your point is that it won't decapitate someone and instead slice their body/face to pieces?

I just took my retina into the Apple store, and they will decapitate it and add a new screen for free.

Be at the hospital in 30 minutes so we can decapitate you before this corpse goes bad.

They move fast and 10" carbon fiber blades spinning at 8000rpm connected to a 5lbs drone could all but decapitate a human.

Used it and managed to decapitate my repository within a week.

A button that doesn't require enough force to push can accidentally decapitate.

He was a drunkard, he had five hundred wives he seems to have kept them chiefly for show, however and when he came to the throne his first act was to decapitate seventy or eighty of his brothers.

Their strategy most likely would be to decapitate the command and control structure and probably much of the military hardware along with power generation and infrastructure in Taiwan first.

Same way europe and the us can "legally" send guns to extremists in syria, that decapitate civilians, christians, and basically anyone who disagrees with the destabilization efforts.

I'm not an adrenaline junky with a death wish> while swimming side-by-side with them, sperm whales can accidentally smother you, decapitate you with their tails, and many researchers believe they can also vibrate your body to death with their most intense vocalisations if they chooseI occasionally step on snails despite, for the obvious reasons, being quite willing to go out of my way to avoid doing so. Same problem here.

A fertilizer plant has a chance of harming someone in an accident, and while it is definitely wrong if those concerns go unheeded, there is not even a remote comparison to the actions of demonstrated sociopathic behavior to harm, ****, and decapitate eight-year-olds watching a marathon.

I thought it wasn't the smartest thing to do since many buildings in Tokyo have lots of glass windows and panels which could literally decapitate you if they hit you... and since virtually all buildings here are built to be earthquake proof, you'd probably be much safer hiding under a desk in your office than going outside and exposing yourself to all the falling debris.

Decapitate definitions


cut the head of; "the French King was beheaded during the Revolution"

See also: behead decollate