Decamp in a sentence as a verb

Of course, that was a different era without much telecommuting, and many people suffered tragic losses, but it wasn't bad enough to "decamp" anywhere.

Pretty confident if there were a 1989-level earthquake, most startups and tech companies would just decamp to somewhere else for the recovery period.

The US has the same situation in between its own states, and why a single state can't go too far in providing benefits for its people lest it need to raise taxes too much that it causes businesses to decamp.

When they eventually raise retail prices to a sustainable level, DRM ensures that anyone with an existing Kindle library won't be as price-sensitive as someone who can easily decamp to a competing platform.

Decamp definitions


leave a camp; "The hikers decamped before dawn"


run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along; "The thief made off with our silver"; "the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe"

See also: abscond bolt absquatulate


leave suddenly; "She persuaded him to decamp"; "skip town"

See also: skip vamoose