Dashing in a sentence as an adjective

In his dashing days at Apple and NeXT, he weared the most expensive Brioni suits.

Quick edits, surfing, scanning email and dashing off a quick answer, yeah.

It reminds me of high school, and dashing off some crappy just-good-enough essay on the night before it was due.

It's amazing what he can accomplish from his desk, dashing off memos to language communities.

Imagine if you sat down at a restaurant, and the server lectured you about dining-and-dashing before serving you.

Human-machine interfaces have a functional aspect that can't be handled by dashing off yet another homage to Dieter Rams.

It means that you save every piece of plastic container you can get your hands on because you can't afford dishes, or dashing out of a fast food restaurant with handfuls of plasticware so you can stop eating your oatmeal with your hands.

We like to make heroes, and a century ago stories about dashing, dynamic inventors saving the day, and the world, through their indefatigable ingenuity were so popular they even had their own name Edisonades, inspired by the famously sweaty Thomas Edison.

Dashing definitions


lively and spirited; "a dashing hero"

See also: gallant


marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners; "a dapper young man"; "a jaunty red hat"

See also: dapper jaunty natty raffish rakish spiffy snappy spruce