Daredevil in a sentence as a noun

Make it a big deal to hit someone while acting like a daredevil and make it a bigger deal to hit and run.

Some friends had C64 for gaming and the bravest daredevil users learned how to write scrollers in 6510 assembly.

> When the Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner made his great leap from space last year...It's a long way to space from where he jumped.

Daredevil in a sentence as an adjective

Go to your local superstore, buy a jalapeno or if you are a daredevil a habanero pepper.

I've met way too many entrepreneurs in the city who crash hard and then boast about it as if they're some kind of sexy daredevil living on the edge.

Becoming a 5%'er is like learning to ski at a hill populated by daredevil experts who suck at teaching and instructors who only get paid if you flunk their class and have to take it again.

Daredevil definitions


a reckless impetuous irresponsible person

See also: madcap hothead swashbuckler lunatic harum-scarum


presumptuously daring; "a daredevil test pilot having the right stuff"

See also: temerarious