Dampness in a sentence as a noun

I’m sure mold grows in there because of the constant dampness.

Or maybe an inkjet would just have different issues from slight dampness.

You pre-qualified that the fire be hot enough to overcome the dampness of the sticks.

It involved such specifics as "avoid foods that invite dampness.

A cradle that updates the baby's facebook page based on decibels, activity, dampness.

It lets light in,you can see outside fine, but it is opaque from the outside.\nAlso, you need to address dampness so you don't end up mildewed and moldy!

He took another one to remove the dampness of the hands and said,"At Microsoft we do everything efficiently".Then then IBM guy finished.

I prefer snow over dampness.- 24 days of paid leave is the legal minimum for a full time position at 6 days per week, 20 days if you work 5 days a week in Germany.

I can see how something like that would work in arid conditions, but in areas where it is humid, it seems like you would get a lot of problems with mold and dampness.

Best comment I read from the article.."That middle bit there, as you put it; "....it's depressing how easily you get used to the slugs, the dampness, the cold and the filth".......that's what is counted on.

Then with the other half we remove the dampness and said,"At IBM we do everything efficiently, using minimal resources".Now the Intel guy finished at last.

This was a new line and even thought there were many qualifying test trips, it could be likely this was the first morning with just the right dampness, temperature to make very bad rail conditions.

I have encountered more conventional air dryers which have touch less activation, and hyper fast airflow that are just about as quick as the Dyson, and which give better results, because you can rub your hands beneath the blower and adjust which parts get the most airflow according to dampness.

For my specific use case, I want an application where the lifetime of the building is measured in >100 years, without having to go in and replace the insulation during that period, and without significant deterioration from the ocassional penetration of water or dampness.

Dampness definitions


a slight wetness

See also: damp moistness