Cynic in a sentence as a noun

The cynic would say that people will all collect their checks and accomplish nothing.

The cynic in me half-expects that the guy was a plant and not an actual Google employee.

And not to be a cynic, but I kind of doubt many serious "farmers" read this magazine.

Its better to be the old jerk who complained about a bad product than the cynic who just sat around collecting their paycheck.

A cynic would say that this is just the software consulting version of what management consultants like Romney do.

I'm a cynic about many things, but I do believe that they could have kept the money if they wanted but decided to split it among the team.

I hate to be a cynic, but I disagree with many of the points put forth in this article, points that are critical to supporting its thesis.

It has really put me off, and probably many others, from ever hosting a TOR node\n\nThe cynic in me can't help but assume that that's the entire point.

The cynic in me things that this idea is probably the reason why Disney have been so aggressive about using their oldest characters in the last few years.

If users don't like the experience they get as a result, there is an easy solution: don't buy Apple products that are shiny but broken, buy something else that works instead.

This is a perfect example of the cynic snarkiness for the sake of snarkiness that plagues Hacker News; the guy of the article only has written one article besides this one[0] and that's it.

They reopened it because people heard about it and then started talking about stripping DRM and resorting to piracy, so somebody, somewhere decided to make this go away as fast as possible and as quietly as possible./cynic

Its an interesting argument hugh3, that the learning is insufficient payoff for 6 years of your life, but the cynic in my says the same could be said of going to college and coming out with a masters degree is Celtic Literature of the medieval period.

Is that really so much to ask? But maybe they don't, because after all they take a hefty cut of the profits on anything you make via an app, so they have a vested interest in pretending to support web standards but actually screwing them up to make app development more attractive.

Cynic definitions


someone who is critical of the motives of others

See also: faultfinder


a member of a group of ancient Greek philosophers who advocated the doctrine that virtue is the only good and that the essence of virtue is self-control

See also: Cynic