Currently in a sentence as an adverb

This would enable folks to do things that currently take a lot of energy to fight about.

You might also consider merely greying out comments that have not yet been endorsed, as currently happens to down-voted comments.

This would be a significant and very practical step toward undercutting a good measure of the power currently held by the trolls.

Because the telcos are currently enjoying a "natural monopoly".

He's experienced, very much down to business, he cuts through the **** and through technical fads, and currently ensures that we're building the most lean and simple backend that I've ever seen.

While I'm not claiming that the US is currently close to totalitarianism, there are some comparisons that have become quite disturbing:1. A regime that justifies itself by claiming to protect the populace from a vague but grave danger.

We have located two lawyers thanks to your help, one of them was willing to take the case warts and all but not currently in Delhi, the other is in Delhi and also willing to take the case.

Isn't that against Apple's own T&Cs?and the Path CEO replied:> This is currently the industry best practice and the App Store guidelines do not specifically discuss contact information.

Currently definitions


at this time or period; now; "he is presently our ambassador to the United Nations"; "currently they live in Connecticut"

See also: presently