Cube in a sentence as a noun

It's not the spheres that are "spikey", the cubes are.

He asked me to checkout the name tag on his cube.

I'm confused as to how any entrepreneur could face "40+ years" as a "cube rat".

One friend kept a wall of ex-employee nameplates in his cube.

The idea I had was to draw cube structures in one-point perspective, as I had long done on graph paper.

I've seen plenty of established companies with cube farms that haven't changed layout in 20 years.

Their facilities are dirt-smeared cube farms without a dime spent on decor or common meeting areas.

"The waist-height cube is the most ill-conceived abortion of office planning that I've ever encountered.

The one thing I know is that those of us out here in the peanut gallery, we don't have an ice cube's chance in **** of knowing the 'real' story.

The code I wrote then was truly, truly awful[1], but the feeling it brought the first time a line of cubes was correctly drawn was incredible.

One day I tell my then cube neighbor about an interesting experiment on visual perception that I had read about.

Another way of looking at this phenomenon is to inscribe a high dimensional sphere in a hypercube.

Cube in a sentence as a verb

Physicists and mathematicians who program are so underpaid they dream about the glamour and glitz of working in a cube on Wall Street.

As the dimension grows, the sphere/cube volume ratio gets arbitrarily small, although sphere touches the cube at every side.

The flexibility that cubes supposedly gives in terms of adjusting layout are never really used.

* If the only job you can secure after killing a company is as "cube rat", consider whether your prospects as an entrepreneur are really all that much better.

You'd think twice if you had to walk over to somebody's cube to show them a picture of a cat, but you wouldn't blink an eye to post an article with the same content to 100 people on FB.

Same thing happened with SVM's, I was explaining its merits and demerits to Corinna Cortes, my other cube neighbor, not knowing she was the first author of the paper on SVMs.

Recall that weight is a function of volume and increases with the cube of your dimensions, while lifting force is a function of surface area and only increases with the square of your dimensions.

Then one day I step out for a break, a senior person whom I knew had a cube on the row behind me, approaches me, apologizing profusely and ad infinitum that he had got locked out, could I please let him in.

As an example, amongst the buttons on our old microwave:* a picture of a whole chicken* one ice cube* two ice cubes* something that might have been a burger or a slice of bread* 3 x straight lines* 3 x wavy linesNever being sure, I ignored all of those buttons.

Trivial example: a traditional suit-and-tie, senior manager walks by a junior programmer's cube and sees youtube on the monitor and immediately assumes junior is slacking off, abusing company resources.

This is because the side of a cube is a whole lot closer than the vertex from the center of the cube -- for instance, if we take a million-dimensional cube with a side of length 2, then the distance from the center of the cube to the side is 1, but the distance from the center to the vertex is 1000.

I was telling all this to my cube neighbor Michael Riley, not knowing who he was, he says with a twinkle in his eye "Yeah, that was us".The most remarkable thing about these experiments that I learned from him was that the professor would provoke an illusion on the students on the first day of class.

Cube definitions


a hexahedron with six equal squares as faces


a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides

See also: block


the product of three equal terms


any of several tropical American woody plants of the genus Lonchocarpus whose roots are used locally as a fish poison and commercially as a source of rotenone


a block in the (approximate) shape of a cube


raise to the third power


cut into cubes; "cube the cheese"

See also: dice