Cryptophyte in a sentence as a noun

If the emergence of long-lived electronic coherence gives cryptophytes containing the closed-form PBP a selective advantage over the ancestral cyanobacteria and red algae, it would seem that the Hemiselmis cryptophytes, with their open-form PBPs, have lost this advantage.

The paper cites that the team was able to use 'Crystallographic analyses [to] reveal two very different quaternary structures' but i was unable to find any information on the complexity of these structuresTraveling salesman problems can quickly become unwieldy so even if you allow for the route traveled to be thought to be the quickest, testing this hypothesis is equally intractable with current mathematicsfrom the paper: "from the insertion of a single amino acid, the two αβ monomers are rotated by ∼73° to an “open” configuration in contrast to the “closed” configuration of other cryptophyte PBP" "A central biological question is whether the presence of long-lived electronic coherence in the light-harvesting proteins results in a selective advantage for the algae—for example, is coherence important for efficient light harvesting?

Cryptophyte definitions


common in fresh and salt water appearing along the shore as algal blooms

See also: cryptomonad