Cryogenics in a sentence as a noun

Why are you so adamant to dismiss cryogenics and call it a religion?

Every bit of money in the entire world would still not get you cryogenics - it requires a new idea that doesn't exist right now.

We already have the equipment to move and store gasoline all over the country, no cryogenics needed.

He has to, the chance that singularity or cryogenics will be available within his lifetime is pretty small.

It's at most overoptimism in the factors of exponential growth and supporting tech like cryogenics being more useful than is likely.

"PayPal, at Luke Noseks urging, became the first company in the history of the world that had cryogenics as part of the employee benefits package.

There was a Tupperware-style party where the cryogenics company representatives made the rounds trying to get people to sign up at $50k for neuro or $120k for full body.

Oh, one thread degenerated into a ridiculous cryogenics debate.

A couple of years ago, after it was revealed that Sergey had some genetic disorder I wrote this sci-fi short story inspired by the fact that Larry/Sergey would be doing exactly this:----In the year 2010, scientists perfected suspended animation through the use of cryogenics for the purpose of surgery.

Cryogenics definitions


the branch of physics that studies the phenomena that occur at very low temperatures

See also: cryogeny