Cruse in a sentence as a noun

Parts of the way, sure, but ain't no public cruse ships.

Remember, people in nursing care don’t go on cruse ships.

Are a very cruse measure, what about share price over time?

Presumably you've made at least 500k in trading vs cruse lines and on zoom then?

I rarely use cruse control, so when I do and think I might want to brake soon, I get nervous.

Very old people stop going on cruse ships as do people with significant heath issues.

The cruse ship had 135 infected on February 10th, jumping to 634 on February 20th.

“Princess Diamond” deaths are excluding people who died in their home countries that where infected on the cruse ship.

But, the DoD does a lot of AI research and put's this stuff into practice see cruse missiles for some ancient, but still powerful tech.

Google pulled this function in the latest release...which has me trying to figure out how to update our ant scripts and cruse-control build system.

Most cable laying ships are in 10,000 tonne size , ships this size use typically 50 tones of fuel a day at cruse speeds , cable ships travel much slower than that.

Unless the person was part of an outbreak cluster in a communal living situation like prisons, cruse ships, or nursing homes.

I don’t know about the cruse ship, but it seems like it’s double counting a death in Australia on both the cruse ship and an Australian death.

Most systems developed by the Automotive companies are just a step above highway lane keeping, and adaptive cruse control.

A major discrepancy is the under detection of cases as full population testing has been rare outside of the cruse ships which also have an elderly population.

If you can fly why drive on the highway?A 50k to 100k VTL ‘flying car’ with maximum cruse speed of 80 MPH, maximum altitude of 10,000 feet, a range of 500 miles, room for 2+ people, and a cargo capacity of 1,000lb including people fits most people’s definitions of a flying car.

Cruse definitions


small jar; holds liquid (oil or water)