Crow in a sentence as a noun

DRM is defective by design and no matter how much you try painting this crow, it's still a crow.

I agree with the main article: if you're raking it in and it isn't obvious, you shouldn't crow about it.

That's what surprised me most about this article: they crow that it's a CPU-only technology... why?

You cannot simultaneously crow "hurr, DRM is broken!

But in the public sector, failure is just license for those opposed to project to crow: "we shouldn't have been doing this anyway!

Crow in a sentence as a verb

The documentary also shows some intelligence tests in which crows perform almost as well as human children.

Yet, why do you continue to give meaningless as-the-crow-flies estimates of how long it will take you to get to your destination?

In fact, crows probably spend more time building their tools than any other animal than humans; they carefully clip the limbs from a tree branch, whittle it down, and fashion it into an effective hook.

The fact that a major green tech company working with government support is able to shift financing over to the private market is, indeed, a remarkable feat and is absolutely something they have a right to crow about.

Proper Noun Examples for Crow

For those interested in animal intelligence, I recommend watching "A crow of Crows", a short documentary about crow intelligence that's available free online.

Crow definitions


black birds having a raucous call


the cry of a cock (or an imitation of it)


a member of the Siouan people formerly living in eastern Montana

See also: Crow


a small quadrilateral constellation in the southern hemisphere near Virgo

See also: Corvus Crow


an instance of boastful talk; "his brag is worse than his fight"; "whenever he won we were exposed to his gasconade"

See also: brag bragging crowing vaporing line-shooting gasconade


a Siouan language spoken by the Crow

See also: Crow


dwell on with satisfaction

See also: gloat triumph


express pleasure verbally; "She crowed with joy"


utter shrill sounds; "The cocks crowed all morning"