Cross-file in a sentence as a verb

It also supports cross-file and in-file links, tables, formulas in latex, exporting vimwiki pages to html, etc.

The main reason you pack scripts is because you're compiling, and your compiler is checking and optimizing your cross-file interactions.

It does per-file syntax highlighting but no cross-file symbol resolution and I don’t see any place where I can configure the location of my virtualenv so it can find all the libraries.

Why is there such massive nerd-rage when it comes to people using IDEs versus what amounts to text editors with scripting toys?IDEs are fantastic and I am a more productive programmer for using one. I work with a pretty big codebase and just having excellent cross-file navigation and usage searches are big time-savers.

Then add your language to exuberant ctags - which has a line-based regexp mode that you can pretty much reuse your imenu regexps for - and get it to generate emacs-compatible tags files, and you've got basic cross-file symbol navigation.

The killer features for me are vim mode, fast context-sensitive autocomplete, cross-file go-to-definition, automatic syntax and indent checking, and "Source Assistant" which shows you the prototype+docstring of whatever function you're in the middle of calling.

Cross-file definitions


have one's name listed as a candidate for several parties

See also: register