Cowry in a sentence as a noun

Many things can and did serve as such token: gold, bank note, cowry shells.

The cowry was used as an international currency for thousands of years and wasn't backed by any government.

When $1 million in cowry shells become as simple to smuggle in and out of Argentina as a signed Bitcoin transaction, you'll have a point.

****, the "virtue" of cowry shells can save me from hyperinflation and help protect my free speech!Except people stopped using cowry shells as a currency, just as people stopped using Bitcoins as a currency.

We want something more information-rich -- something made for our current information tech, rather than originated from cowry shells or whatever.

A standard can be rather loose, when people were using wampum, ****** pelts or cowry shells as money those items weren't all of the exact same, size, shape or color but it was understood that they were a store of value.

Cowry definitions


any of numerous tropical marine gastropods of the genus Cypraea having highly polished usually brightly marked shells

See also: cowrie