Countercheck in a sentence as a noun

> If this was a thing, international travel would halt because you would need to countercheck everything you've ever done online with the laws of the country you are flying to. I mean, for many of us that’s already a problem, and has been for a long time.

If this was a thing, international travel would halt because you would need to countercheck everything you've ever done online with the laws of the country you are flying to. Consider this fictionary tale: you fly to Budapest for a fun trip.

Countercheck in a sentence as a verb

> the number of tests, checks and counterchecks they have to go through before being approved for service is soul crushing. > I'm pretty sure that the total count of in the bug database of any airline software currently in service basically amounts to zero.

I work on systems used in public trasportation that are NOT safety-critical and the number of tests, checks and counterchecks they have to go through before being approved for service is soul crushing. I'm pretty sure that the total count of in the bug database of any airline software currently in service basically amounts to zero.

Countercheck definitions


a check that restrains another check


something that checks the correctness of a previous check


oppose or check by a counteraction

See also: counteract


check a second time