Corp in a sentence as a noun

Typically, the corp dev guys are raring at the bit, since this is what they're there to do.

This is a post on his employer's public forum, that they tweeted out on their corp accounts.

Hence it is ignored, or even gamed upon for short term metric gain.\nThis is true for all corps that equate success with short cycle data driven metrics.

Nobody who contributed to the Oculus Kickstarter did so because they were hoping Oculus would get flipped to a mega-corp.

Some of the best corp dev guys I know have the worst grammar and email manners and to focus on that as a weakness is long as they can approve a wire transfer, who cares?

In contrast, it is extremely difficult to sell an unincorporated/unorganized business, and you will essentially always recognize the gain in such a sale.

Corp definitions


a business firm whose articles of incorporation have been approved in some state

See also: corporation