Corkscrew in a sentence as a noun

Com/topic/209781-a-corkscrew... For when you wake up a bit.

I use ssh a lot, and even using software like corkscrew doesn't always get me through the proxy. Having my personal router lets me forgo that obstacle.

The last time I dinged a counter it wasn't even due to a knife, but because I accidentally dropped a corkscrew. Would've been no problem with stone or tile, but since I don't have those, it caused a permanent mark where the tip hit!

But I really like the ceremony of using a corkscrew to open a bottle of wine; it is a lot more tactile than opening a screw cap.

A barrel roll has an accompanying corkscrew motion of your velocity vector along with the rotation.

Corkscrew in a sentence as a verb

In a similar note, we have a "rabbit" corkscrew. It's super efficient at opening a bottle, but is not particularly satisfying.

Photons with OAM have electric and magnetic fields that corkscrew rather than oscillate in a plane. There are a theoretically infinite number of OAM values, and multiple beams having different orbital angular momentums can occupy the same fiber, allowing more data to be transferred."

A really good IDS might be able to catch tunneled traffic purely by looking at the traffic patterns, but I don't know how corkscrew works exactly and if such detection is possible without creating too many false alerts.

I could see the designer using substandard material on the teeth of this horizontal slider cog that allowed it to fail first, and it happened to be an easy part to replace, rather than say having the corkscrew fail, which would be much more complicated to replace. I remember reading about the part in amazon reviews where people criticized it, but I felt it was a good choice and had a reasonable lifetime to it.

Corkscrew definitions


a bottle opener that pulls corks


move in a spiral or zigzag course

See also: spiral