Conversion in a sentence as a noun

Is it enough to compensate them with a discounted price or price cap at conversion?

For instance in a recent test, conversion to click was hurt, conversion to a person who clicked 5x was helped.

That sort of note saw the conversion right as a privilege belonging strictly to the noteholder.

LibreOffice has a pretty powerful document conversion, which you can run headless.

For instance there are typically daily, weekly and monthly conversion rate fluctuations.

With its "forced conversion" element, it not only combined the elements of debt and equity but did so with equity being the main focus of the investor.

After tons of testing across different sites, types of business, and devices, we're confident that "Remember me" does not harm conversion rate.

"Enticing maps" and "impressive photography" are unlikely to increase conversion/task success rates versus typing in "LAX"/"NGO.

Any function call could be performing a user-defined implicit conversion on any of its parameters.

One mistake could mean that someone's policy lapses because the conversion broke the automated Pre-Authorized Cheque processing code for that one client.

While relative conversion rates remain comparable, absolute conversion rates vary for all sorts of reasons.

Proper Noun Examples for Conversion

* Database Conversion is Hard: Not so much difficult, but hard in the sense that it requires many, many hours to first clean up the old database, run the conversion, then validate the new data.

Conversion definitions


an event that results in a transformation

See also: transition changeover


a change in the units or form of an expression: "conversion from Fahrenheit to Centigrade"


a successful free throw or try for point after a touchdown


a spiritual enlightenment causing a person to lead a new life

See also: rebirth


(psychiatry) a defense mechanism represses emotional conflicts which are then converted into physical symptoms that have no organic basis


a change of religion; "his conversion to the Catholic faith"


interchange of subject and predicate of a proposition


act of exchanging one type of money or security for another


the act of changing from one use or function or purpose to another