Convenience in a sentence as a noun

I was just demoing the convenience of the repl to Ev Kontsevoy of Mailgun.

Essentially, people are happy in the end to sacrifice privacy for convenience.

It was a great convenience and while occasionally people would try to counterfeit chips, at that time if you were caught doing that you literally disappeared.

But the lack of symmetry says a lot about how diseases are identified; it is about institutional convenience.

There is a process for handling chargebacks that you submit your self to in exchange for the convenience of getting money quickly from the credit card system.

Tesla will pick up the car at a location of the owners convenience, provide a Model S loaner if needed, perform the work and bring the car back to the owner a few hours later.

Credit cards are an adjunct to all this, essentially representing systematized usury and privacy loss as a requisite convenience, but they do not stand at the core.

I realize this is sarcastic, but I suppose this change will end up getting someone charged with a felony for "hacking", at the DOJ's or other law enforcement organization's convenience.

But this is really very much a solution for the consumer market, where convenience and usability are critical features of a security system.

Convenience definitions


the state of being suitable or opportune; "chairs arranged for his own convenience"


the quality of being useful and convenient; "they offered the convenience of an installment plan"


a toilet that is available to the public

See also: restroom


a device or control that is very useful for a particular job

See also: appliance contraption contrivance gadget gizmo gismo widget