Contort in a sentence as a verb

You seem to read only the lines that you can creatively contort to validate your belief and ignore the rest.

Now the problem statement is back to the marketing team of "How do I tell the shopper to contort their phone at this angle?".

Why can't they just contort their behavior around my business model?

In other words, Yahoo is a rudderless basket case, so it must be because of those 2-4% of the work force who are goofing off. Heh. How the **** did he contort himself into inferring that from what Gruber wrote?

As a composer it seems completely wrong that I should contort my expression of my music to fit the characteristics of a single instrument.

The only way you can contort yourself into that position is putting partisan loyalty ahead of critical thinking.

""Ive seen young writers contort their prose into incomprehensibly pretentious muddles, all in a disastrous bid to sound more erudite than they are.

Well, if the time it takes you to contort your application to work around our row limits is worth less to you than $9/mo, you're probably in need of both technical and financial advice.

Plus, we're likely to have to compromise on the visual design of the language now and/or in the future to contort it into what's technically possible in macros over ObjC.

Not really the same thing at all, but I got into a minor motorcycle accident a few years back and I had to leave my right arm in a sling for 6 weeks or so. I was shocked at the number of things that I ended up having to contort my body to do just because I had no way of doing it one-handed.

And if you feel like something you've previously written is relevant, link it, but don't contort too hard for a connection, because non sequitur reasons - like the one about Apple fawning over him - read like spam rather than someone trying to be part of the conversation.

This paper \n questions the strategy of hoarding idle labor, and offers\n improved strategies as potential alternatives to the \n tendency of hoarding.\n\nWhat is it about academia, where people feel obligated to contort their writing into an intimidating architecture of opaque jargon and garish vocabulary?

Contort definitions


twist and press out of shape

See also: deform distort wring