Consciousness in a sentence as a noun

Likely it won't weigh on their consciousness at all.

" Of course this doesn't really help you, because what if the computer just thinks it's conscious but doesn't have real consciousness the way we do?

I'd like to see a site where there is an actual consciousness that not everyone is living in the United States of America.

I am definitely suggesting that what is left of experience after all that is obliterated from consciousness is worth seeing.

There's no way I can escape consciousness of that better stuff, and there's no way I can escape the fact that there are plenty of people in town who don't have to make the same compromises I do.

But solemnity, it serves pomposity and the self-\n important always know, at some level of their consciousness, that their egotism\n is going to be punctured by humor.

When I finally tested 30 minutes after consuming an entire carton of OJ, I was barely in the 40s -- I have no idea how low I was, and I was lucky I ever regained consciousness.

If it is said that the NSA cannot target emails and listen to phone calls, that is going to etch itself into the public consciousness that the technological apparatus required is not present.

I am sure they would have wanted it to be some sort of named stream into the inner consciousness of the kernel which could configure the events system so that the desired running configuration was made manifest.

I've practiced meditation too, and while it does alter consciousness, there are many meaningfully different altered states - they are in no way equivalent or substitutable.

Thankfully my current startup is doing quite well, but the memory of what happened before and the gnawing fear it could happen again is never far from my consciousness late at night when my mind is racing and I have trouble falling asleep.

That's because of pioneering advances in EMT training, broad availability of AEDs, high percentage of people trained, etc.--When I asked for a point of comparison, he said Detroit was 4%.--AEDs don't actually bring you back to consciousness.

I guess seeing conscious life forms with as much rights as my toaster doesn't thrill me. Especially when they are clearly sexualized as suchWould anyone else have an easier time sharing my creepiness if: - the robot had been a little boy for sex purposes?I found the dynamic unlikely and if we reach a world where we can accidentally give AI consciousness and we still haven't gotten the artificial civil rights movement off the ground... Ooph.

In my own opinion the question is meaningless which is why I think consciousness is some kind of inevitable emergent property of intelligent systems; but of course there's thousands of philosophers out there tackling this very question so I won't pretend to have any original thoughts on it.

""For man's everyday needs, it would have been quite enough to have the ordinary human consciousness, that is, half or a quarter of the amount which falls to the lot of a cultivated man of our unhappy nineteenth century, especially one who has the fatal ill-luck to inhabit Petersburg, the most theoretical and intentional town on the whole terrestrial globe.

Consciousness definitions


an alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation; "he lost consciousness"


having knowledge of; "he had no awareness of his mistakes"; "his sudden consciousness of the problem he faced"; "their intelligence and general knowingness was impressive"

See also: awareness cognizance cognisance knowingness